Fridges, long the preserve of the kitchen, are popping up in the bathroom. Designed in bijoux sizes of four-to-nine litres, and with temperatures ranging from 8C-12C, the cosmetics fridge is the beauty world’s equivalent of the jewellery box, helping to store your most precious products.久长以来作为厨房专属物的冰箱,现在已年夜量“进驻”浴室。设想成首饰盒巨细(4-9升)、温度8-12度的化装冰箱就比如美容界的首饰盒,里面装着本身最亲爱的化装品。Miniature make-up coolers in Hello Kitty styles are already a big hit in South Korea, where the concept was developed, and you can get your own cowhide, cloud or polka-dot version shipped here through Ebay.凯蒂猫气概的微型化装冰箱现在在原创地韩国很是风行,消费者能够经由过程Ebay网购牛皮、云彩或是圆点花腔等式样。But while they may be easily justifiable in sweltering cities such as Seoul (melted make-up is no laughing matter, after all), their arrival in more temperate London signifies a new chapter in luxury fixtures and fittings.虽然在首尔如许的闷热型城市,它们年夜行其道可谓“师出着名”(究竟化装品熔化可不是闹着玩的事),但在天气较为暖和的伦敦,它们的风行标记着豪侈风致局翻开了新的篇章。At the West End]s Rathbone Square each of the penthouse suites, on the market for ukaiyun�ٷ�apppwards of about £4.5m, has its own cosmetics fridge. They measure 40cm by 50cm and are hidden beneath a veneer storage unit. "It was part of the brief that the master bathrooms include a cooler for beauty products, " says Kalliopi Kousouri, a partner at Make Architects. "The presumption is that people in these properties will have expensive cosmetics and keeping them in the fridge is good for longer shelf lives. "伦敦西区拉思伯恩广场现在正被革新成商铺、写字楼和142套奢华套房。每座楼顶奢华套间的最高售价达450万英镑,都配备了化装品公用冰箱。它们的规格是40X50厘米,埋没在胶合板做的储物柜下。“这也是标配内容之一:就是主洗手间得配有化装品公用冷藏柜。”Make Architects建筑事务所合股人卡利奥皮·库苏里说。“常人都认为这些豪宅住户城市具有价钱不菲的化装品,把它们冷藏至冰箱会年夜年夜耽误保质期。”超等两人组合的地产开辟商Candy Brothers也说收到很多客户设置装备摆设化装品冰箱的要求,此中尤以阿拉伯富豪为甚。,kaiyun报道